Old students, parents knock Ogun teacher arrested for rape

Old students, parents knock Ogun teacher arrested for rape

The Old Students Association and Parents Forum of the Ebenezer Grammar School, Iberekodo, Abeokuta on Thursday described as shocking and embarrassing the reported rape case involving a Mathematics teacher in the school, Lateef Olaniran.

The suspect was reportedly arrested on Saturday by the police after an official of the Ministry of Women Affairs lodged complaints against him.

The old students and parents in a press briefing held on Thursday at Iwe Iroyin, Ogun NUJ secretariat, Oke-Ilewo, Abeokuta said the unfortunate incident should however not be used to define the school known for sound education and moulding of strong characters.

Speaking at the press briefing, the National President of the Old Students Association of the school, Alhaji Tajudeen Olori, supported by Alhaji Rasheed Fadipe as well as Pa Aderemi Koleosho, PTA Chairmen of both the Senior and Junior sections of the school respectively, condemned the act of and demanded his outright suspension.

Olori who frowned at Olaniran’s act described the suspect as an absentee teacher who had been previously reported to the state government through the Teaching Service Commission.

He lamented that Olaniran’s act had put the school in a bad light in the public eyes, adding that the alleged rape offence was not committed within the premises of the school.

Olori said, “It is unfortunate that Lateef Olaniran, is a teacher in our alma mater, but all his acts in this case of rape are personal and have nothing to do with the school. He committed those acts far away from school.

“There is no form of student harassment and intimidation in EGSA neither is there any form of sexual abuse.

“We have always encouraged our students to be bold and speak up in the face of perceived attempts of harassment and or intimidation.

“We urge parents of the students in EGSA to remain calm and be rest assured of the safety of their children in the school and our hostel.

“EGSA of today is a school of high morals and educational standards and will continue to produce good leaders for our society and Nigeria at large.

“We would like to request immediate suspension of Lateef Olaniran pending the conclusion of the investigation.

“We also humbly request that Lateef Olaniran is not returned to EGSA after investigation and even trial. He cannot regain the confidence and cooperation of staff and students anymore.”

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