LCDA Creation: Why Ikoya Should Naturally Retain Its Headquarter Position – By Kuye Babatunde

Arakunrin Odunayo Akeredolu
Ondo State Governor.

Dear Mr. Governor


Happy new month Sir. May the good Lord satisfy you with long life
and perfect health as you continue to stir the affairs of our dear State in positive direction.

I write regarding the list of the LCDAs established by your administration and being circulated on the social media. Permit me to call your attention to the following without wasting your time with long epistle.
Ikoya, the seat of Abodi and founder of Ikale land was the headquarters of Ikale pre and during colonial interference dating back 1520. Ikoya is a moving settlement as the seat of Abodi, there were many current towns in Ikale area that were once called Ikoya, such as Arogbo-Ule, Akotogbo, Irele, Otafufufu-Gbekerelu (in
Odigbo Local Government) amongst others. Anywhere Abodi settles while establishing his kingdom is called Ikoya. It is the 15th
Abodi, Abodi Ikugbayigbe that finally settled in the present Ikoya in about 1826.
Ikoya has always been the administrative and historical
headquarters of Ikale where other Olojas get directices and orders for implementation on behalf of Abodi.

From 1860 until 1954 the Colonial officials were dealing with the
Abodi as the Oba of Ikale and Ikoya, the seat of the Abodi, as the Ikale headquarter

It was because of ease of administration in 1954 that the colonial master grouped Ikale into 4 Districts Councils, as enunciated below:

1) Orisun Meta comprises of Ikoya, Igbisin and the whole of Osooro with the headquarters in Ikoya.
2) Idapo Marun comprises of Idepe, Aye, Ayeka, Igbodigo,
Erinje with headquarters in Okitipupa.

3) Idapo Meta comprises of Irele, Omi, Iyansan with
headquarters in Irele.

4) Bini confederation comprises of Ajagba, Akotogbo, Ijuosun with headquarters in Ajagba.

The list of the new LCDAs in circulation as being created
by your administration shows that each of these existing headquarters maintained the status quo except Ikoya.

Mr. Governor Sir, I want to believe this list is not genuine and does not emanate from your office.
Nevertheless, I will like to point your attention, once again, to the above facts, as a gentle reminder that Ikoya, the seat of Abodi, the founder of Ikale is the cradle of Ikale land, and it is the traditional headquarters of Ikale, and also the headquarters of former Orisumeta districts council where Osooro is one of the three towns.

Therefore, Ikoya should naturally retains its headquarter position of one of the two LCDAs created from the old Orisumeta District Council where Ikoya was once the headquarter just like you have maintained with Ajagba as headquarter of a new LCDA. in Irele Local Government.

I am trusting you to put all these above facts into
consideration as we expect the genuine and approved list.

Thanks and God bless you sir.

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