Why there’s persistent insecurity in Nigeria – Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu
President Bola Tinubu

“What we are witnessing across the North is an explosion of these damaged relationships and we have come to say: enough is enough.
“Our first decision was to task our brothers from the North-West and the North-East with the defence and security of the region.

“Our military forces, through various operations such as Operation Hadin Kai and Operation Safe Haven, have made true their promise to the nation by targeting insurgent groups like Boko Haram and bandits who have held us ransom for too long.

“Through enhanced border security and intelligence capabilities, we have disrupted and dismantled criminal networks.

“To build pragmatic solutions to our security compromises, we are strengthening collaborations among the Services and other security agencies to ensure a unified approach.

“The kinetic and non-kinetic interventions we have pursued are designed to build the perimeter of our security infrastructure to the point that every child who goes to school returns safely, every person who sets out on a trip arrives at their destination securely, every trader who goes to the market conducts their transactions without fear, and every farmer plant seeds and harvests their produce in secure environments. We cannot achieve this unless we come together.”

The Chairman of the North-West Governors’ Forum and Katsina State Governor, Dikko Radda, earlier in his welcoming speech, noted that though the fight against insecurity is primarily a federal responsibility, there is a need for all to join hands and fight the scourge.

Radda further explained that “banditry has cast a shadow over our communities. It has disrupted lives, stifled economic activities, and instilled fear among our people. We cannot allow this menace to define our region.

“As leaders, we must adopt a multifaceted approach that includes robust intelligence gathering, community policing, and deploying advanced security technologies. Furthermore, we must enhance the capacity of our national security forces through continuous improvements and adequate resources.”

The UNDP representative in Nigeria, Elsie Gyekyeua Atafauh, in her address, also said the security and peace summit initiative was a vital step towards promoting development and deepening the foundation of peace in the Northern region of Nigeria.

“If Nigeria must retain the position of a giant of Africa, we must pay attention to the North-West,” she added.

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