2024 May Day Celebration: We shall not Labour in Vain

2024 May Day Celebration: We shall not Labour in Vain

On the occasion of 2024 Labour Day celebration being observed today, as done annually, I bring workers across the world, Nigeria, and particularly Ondo State, fraternal greetings.

No doubt, this day is significant as it affords us the opportunity to evaluate past and present challenges, in order to attain creative solutions to them. The events that led to this remarkable notation in the United States of America in 1886 have continued to shape the demand of workers for better working conditions, fair wages, and shorter working hours across the world.

We should also note that the Labour Day similarly allows workers around the world to bring to the public the rights of working people, and to emplace strategies that would protect them against exploitation. May Day also reminds us of the significant roles played by working class in our society, as the engine of growth and development. 

The challenges confronting workers in the 21st century across the globe are enormous, as natural disasters, economic recessions, climate change and pandemics have disrupted the lives of workers, with grave consequences.

Like many other notable Nigerians have done, my legal profession has afforded me the opportunity to identify with embattled workers over the years, and I shall be willing the more to be part of the agenda to protect the rights of workers, and birth a better environment for their operations, being centrifugal forces that drive our economy, nay humanity.

I wish workers a fruitful celebration in 2024, as we look forward to a better future.

Chief Olusola Oke, SAN

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