Before You Join Those Taking The Toxic Anti-Aketi Pill

Debo Ikuesewo-Akinbami

Mother told me the story of a drunkard seer. The seer, according to Mom, was her father’s bosom friend who made regular visits to their house. What, in mom’s words, was weird about the man was that the drunkard’s gift of clairvoyance would actuate only when he was drunk. To have him soothsay, therefore, his host would generously give him alcohol to drink. My mother was then in her spinsterhood.

When fully cockeyed, the man would begin to unravel the obscure. At full fill, he gave dumbfounding prophesies. My grandfather, I was told, took every word his tipsy friend said in earnest, since his autherances were proven and potent. Mom confirmed the man’s verbal efficacy. She said some of the experiences of her latter-life were foretold by this strange man. Strange things happen! One wonders what relationship exits between divination and drinking.

Alcoholics are usually strange characters. When influenced, they give beyond the scripts. Latter-day alcoholics, unlike the old seer, are rarely content with drinking. They add hard drugs. Such stocks as heroin, cocaine or the popular tramadol, to get more staggering, with no gift whatsoever. But Tramadol is not the latest offering. There is another with comparable social and psychological effects.
The strange pill is now in avalanche circulation. It is a political pill. I tag it anti-Aketi capsule for titular essence. Beautiful brand, yet its toxity is properly hidden under its spurious sheen, under enthralling selling points. It has especial appeal, and it is usually short-lived. Its addicts are delirious. Anti-aketi capsule is attractive and colourful. Typical of narcotics, Anti-aketi makes mad, yet, it is cheap and within reach.

Baked by political adventurers, the pill is very well packaged and well circulated. Virtually iniquitous, anywhere you go, you find Tom, Dick and Harry as itinerant marketers of the drug. The capsule comes with the type of bonanza yet unheard of before its birth. You buy one, you get two, free of charge. Its use had swelled, and it now sells even more now that election is in season.

Meanwhile, elections are supposed to be worthy events, they are supposed to be something to be excited for, since they afford citizens, albeit seldomly, the power to replace a weak government or affirm the one doing well. But elections have become a virtual war. It is now nightmarish to anticipate elections in Nigeria. Each election, to borrow Fela Kuti’s letters, leaves sorrow, tears and blood.
The game has changed. It is now a pirated practice, where all forms of perfidy thrive. Players go to the extremes to create paranoia in persons, to create a climate of terror. Because this pill is cheap, its use has given rise to abuse. Once taken, one begins to receive strange impressions, the sight is compromised and impressions become either overrated or underrated.

The phenomenal drug depletes depths. As its name suggests, it is designed to work against the brand of Akeredolu. One begins to see Aketi in bad light once taken. Once, a Canadian undertaker consumed it and he began to see Arabirin in place of Arakunrin. Its preponderant, local consumers would sweat to discredit the lofty strides of Arakunrin Akeredolu

The users would underestimate the Ore life-saving bridge intervention. To these addicts, the legendary deconstruction of Oke-Alabojuto would make no sense. They call false the life-changing employments given in the various tertiary institutions in the state. Under this notorious influence, the massive renovation of the various Primary Health Care Centres in all political wards in the state amounts to nothing. Not even the recruitment of over 500 health personnel, including 200 medical doctors worths a thing.

That is how bad its effects are on the consumers. It blinds its victims from beholding the beauty of the schools that now wear a new look; from seeing the
profundity of Ondo/Linyi Industrial Hub which has given employ to close to 2000 persons. Anti-aketi’s properties are hearsay, half truths, pontifications and outright falsities. When fully operative in victims, Aketi’s foes become their friends.

They hate those who hail Aketi. They loathe those who lead the way for Akeredolu’s reelection. Helpless victims they are! They want the wonders of work on our roads halted by the antics of desperate politicians. They pick poisons from treacherous individuals who merely seek power for its sake without the requisite intellectual wherewithal.
To the sound minds, who can see the vanity of a poisonous pill, the duty to rehabilitate belong. It begins by telling neighbours, family and friends to close their gates to devious merchants of a perilous pill. It is their duty to tell genuine carriers of conscience to be wary of a toxic well wrapped in form of substance. It is important to so do to consolidate the glaring achievements of this regime. To tell tipsy doubters that Akeredolu towers beyond delusions of grandeur.

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